16 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Old pictures, even older love letters, politics and guitar amps

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Does anyone else think that the movie "Shutter" that's coming out this friday is like "What Lies Beneath 2". Sounds like the same plot. I have a lot to blog about lately. Nothing major, just little things.

Got a new guitar amp this week. It's a Vox AC3o Custom Classic. This is an amp I've had my eye on for a couple of years now. It's very widely used by many influential guitarists such and it's one of the best sounding guitar amps I've ever heard. It's certainly the most professional piece of equipment that I own, so I'm pretty excited about it.

Here's a pic.

This one isn't mine obviously, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet because we haven't gotten that far in our relationship. You can't rush something like this.

So, I was cleaning my room yesterday and I came across some really old pictures from when we used to live in Branson, MO. Our old house and things like that. Sometimes you don't realize how many memories you left somewhere until you see a picture of that place for the first time in a while. I'm a big fan of things like that, so it was pretty enjoyable. Also, I came across some weird stuff that I forgot existed such as a script from one of the shows I was on, and some fan mail. Weird that at one point in my life I got fan mail, and now I'm trying to get to that same level, but in a different place and for a different reason. Not that fan mail is any goal of mine, but it would represent the level of success that I hope for.

One of the really cool things I came across, and don't ask me how this got in my room, was a letter that my Grandpa wrote to my Grandma while he was in the navy, and she was living somewhere else. (they were already married). This letter had to be like from the 50s. Anyway, it was pretty cool to see how times have changed, and also how my grandpa used to say some pretty smooth stuff. In it he mentions something about how he went to the movies to see "Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in 'Keystone Kops'". He didn't like it.

This issue is sort of old, but lately there's been some stuff in the media that I find particularly disturbing. I consider myself being far from political, but this stuff about Reverend Wright is pretty rough. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when people in the public eye claim the name of Christ and preach hate for mankind. Not that I'm anywhere close to a good representation of Christ, but it seems like anytime "Christians" are in the media it's something that turns people off to Christianity even more. I mean no one wants to be a part of anything that claims to do one thing, but shows something completely different. I'm ready for someone to represent Christians the right way. Soapbox is over. Now I'm the guy who has a complaint but has no idea how to deal with it.

Well, I'm done here. Until next time.


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